Aegopodium podagraria 'Variegatum', 6-12 inches, light green foliage with creamy white margins

Ajuga 'Black Scallop', PP#15815 propagation prohibited, 6-8 inches, deep burgundy-black leaves

Ajuga 'Bronze Beauty', 6-8 inches, deep bronze foliage with blue flowers in spring.

Ajuga 'Burgundy Glow', 4-6 inches, leaves variegated with white, pink and purple, blue flowers in late spring.

Ajuga 'Catlin's Giant', 8-10 inches, large bronze leaf form, blue flowers in May.

Ajuga 'Chocolate Chip', (aka A. 'Valfredda') 2-3 inches, very dwarf form, chocolate colored leaves with blue flowers

Ajuga 'Mahogany', 2-6 inches, burgundy leaves, purple flowers

Ajuga 'Metallica', 4-6 inches, shiny bronze-purple foliage, achieves best color in full sun, blue flowers.

Ajuga 'Purple Brocade', 6-8 inches, royal purple leaves with a silver sheen. Outstanding groundcover

Ajuga 'Purple Torch', 4-6 inches, glossy green foliage, lavender-pink flower spikes up to 12 inches tall

Ajuga 'Silver Beauty', 4-6 inches, green foliage with creamy edge, blue flowers

Ajuga 'Silver Queen', 6-8 inches, blue green leaves with cream variegation.

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 'Massachusetts' , 4-8 inches, fast spreading evergreen groundcover, tolerates poor soil

Asarum canadense, 4-8 inches, velvety heart shaped leaves

Asarum europaeum , 4-6 inches, glossy, dark green, kidney-shaped leaves, great groundcover for the shade


Chrysogonum virginianum 'Allen Bush', 6-10 inches, low growing groundcover, star shaped yellow flowers, shade tolerant

Chrysogonum virginianum 'Pierre', 6-10 inches, low growing groundcover, star shaped golden flowers, shade tolerant

Clematis terniflora (paniculata), climbing vine, mass of small white flowers in fall, very fragrant (2 gal.)

Convallaria majalis, 4-6 inches, small white flowers in spring, good groundcover for dry shade. 4" pot.

Cornus canadensis, 6-12 inches, Bunchberry or Creeping Dogwood, classic dogwood flower and leaf but in miniature, red berries in the summer and red orange leaves in the fall


Euonymus fortunei 'Coloratus', 6-9 inches, trailing dark green groundcover, turns purplish in winter

Euonymus fortunei 'Kewensis',1-3 inches, very low-growing, prostrate, trailing ground cover


Galium odoratum,  4-8 inch, green leaves, white flowers, nice groundcover in dry shade, under utilized.

Gaultheria procumbens, 4-6 inches, evergreen, glossy green leaves,red berries, tastes of wintergreen

Gaylussacia brachycera, Box Huckleberry, 10-15 inch evergreen shrub,leaves become deep bronze to purple in winter, edible dark blue fruit


Hedera helix 'Baltic', 4-6 inches, fast growing, shade loving groundcover

Hedera helix 'Thorndale', 4-6 inches, fast growing, shade loving groundcover

Hydrangea petiolaris, climbing vine with glossy green leaves, fragrant white flowers (bracts) in early summer


Lamiastrum galeobdolon 'Variegatum', 12-18 inches, green leaves with silver variegation, good quick groundcover

Liriope muscari 'Big Blue', 8-10 inches, tufted grass-like foliage, dark violet flowers. .

Liriope muscari 'Variegata', 8-16 inches, grass like leaves with a cream edge, violet-purple flowers

Liriope spicata, 10-12 inches, semi-evergreen, grass like leaves, violet flowers, July-September

Liriope spicata 'Silver Dragon' , 12-14 inches, 1/4" wide leaves with silver and ivory banding, pale lilac flowers


Mitchella repens, Partridge Berry, 1-2 inches, very small evergreen glossy leaves, red berries that are edible


Parthenocissus quinquefolia,Pachysandra procumbens, 6-10inches, white flower spikes, leaves have a silver mottling, good groundcover

Pachysandra terminalis, 6-8 inches, shiny carpet, good groundcover for the shade

Pachysandra terminalis 'Green Sheen',6-8 inches, very shiny version of Pachysandra

Pachysandra terminalis 'Variegata', 8-12 inches, gray-green to dark green foliage with creamy-white margins

Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Virginia Creeper, fast growing deciduous vine, crimson-red foliage in the fall

Parthenocissus tricuspidata, Boston Ivy, fast growing deciduous vine, scarlet red fall color


Sanguinaria canadensis, 8-20 inches, Bloodroot, little white flowers appear before the large single leaf, dies back in summer


Vaccinium angustifolium, 6-24 inches, Low Bush Blueberry, leaves turn bronze, scarlet and crimson in fall

Vaccinium 'Brunswick', 6-15 inches sky blue berries mid-late summer, blue-green foliage turns bronze, scarlet and crimson

Vaccinium 'Burgundy', 10-15 inches, small wild-flavored berries, grey-green foliage turns bright orange and red

Vinca minor, 4-6 inches, glossy green leaves with blue flowers

Vinca minor 'Alba', 4-6 inches, showy white flowers

Vinca minor 'Bowles', 4-6 inches, deep blue flowers, thicker growing than the species.

Vinca minor 'Illumination', 4-6 inches, Bright gold leaves edged in green with soft blue flowers

Vinca minor 'Miss Jekyll', 4-6 inches, pure white flowers

Vinca minor'Ralph Shugert', 4-6 inches, bright blue flowers, glossy dark green leaves edged in white

Vinca minor 'Variegata'4-6 inches, blue flowers, glossy green and yellow leaves. This was collected from a old family planting (circa 1960's), it is very similar to V. 'Ralph Shugert'


Waldsteinia fragarioides, 3-6 inches, semi-evergreen groundcover, strawberry like foliage with yellow flowers

Waldsteinia ternata, 6-8 inches, strawberry like foliage with yellow flowers


Xanthorhiza simplicissima, 12-36 inches, woody groundcover, turns yellow then red to purple in the fall


Zizia aptera , 12-36 inches, compound umbels of tiny yellow florets

Zizia aurea, 12-36 inches, compound umbel of yellow flowers, bright yellowish green foliage