Aideen Red Fire - red decorative, very early. Alcala Red - red daisy, late. Alisha Dark Pink - dark pink daisy, late. Amphion Purple - purple daisy, late. Ashley Dark Orange - orange decorative, late. Atlantico Yellow - yellow daisy, early. Avalon Purple - purple decorative, late. Avalon White - white decorative, late. Avalon Yellow - yellow decorative, late. Bernadette Yellow- yellow daisy, early. Beth Violet - lavender, decorative, mid-season. Bonnie Red- red daisy, early. Camina - red decorative, early. Carpino - purple decorative, late. Cecilia Lilac - pink daisy, early. Cesaro - yellow, decorative, early. Cliori - red decorative, mid-season. Colina Red- red decorative, early. Conaco Orange - orange decorative, mid-season. Conaco Yellow - yellow decorative, mid-season. Continki Red- red decorative, late. Coparo- purple decorative, mid-season. Dark Veria - yellow decorative, late. Darlene Purple - purple decorative, mid-season. Dawn Yellow - yellow decorative, early. Dazzling Stacy Orange - orange daisy with red petal tips, mid-season. Echo Bronze - two-tone bronze daisy, mid-season. Edana Red - deep red daisy, late. Electra Amber - yellow/bronze bicolor, very early. Elena Gold - yellow decorative, late. Emma Coral Bicolor - two tone coral decorative, late. Emma Orange Bicolor - two tone orange decorative, late. Fame Red - red daisy, mid-season. Five Alarm Red - vivid red decorative, early. Frosty Cheryl - clear white decorative, late. Frosty Jeanette - pure white daisy, late. Golden Helga - bright yellow decorative, early. Goldfinch - bright golden yellow decorative, nicely shaped plant, mid-late. Gold Gigi - gold two-tone, mid-season. Golden Cheryl - yellow/red decorative, very late. Golden Spell - yellow quill, late. Granata Red - red decorative, very early. Grandeur Red - red decorative, mid-season. Hankie Yellow - dark yellow daisy, late. Hanna Orange - orange decorative, early. Helen Maroon - dark red decorative, good color retention and nice cushion habit, early. Helga Cream - creamy white decorative, early. Izola Orange - bright orange decorative, mid-season. Jolly Cheryl Red - light red decorative, late. Linda White - white decorative, late. Lisa Yellow- brilliant yellow decorative, mid-season. Malmo Yellow - yellow decorative, mid-season. Manakin - red button, mid-season. Marsha Pink - pink/lavender daisy, early. Michelle Gold- orange-red bubs, clear yellow daisy, very early Milano Yellow - yellow decorative, early. Mildred White- creamy white decorative, late. Miranda Orange- two tone orange decorative, mid-season. Molfetta - pink decorative, early. Nancy - yellow multi-plex daisy, late. Novare Yellow - yellow decorative, mid-season. Okra Yellow -yellow decorative, midseason. Olivia Orange - orange decorative, late. Ozenda Orange - orange decorative, mounding habit, late. Padre - pink decorative, mid-season. Padre Orange - orange decorative, mid-season. Padre White - white decorative, mid-season. Padre Yellow - yellow decorative, mid-season. Pavia Red - red decorative, mid-season. Peacock Purple - purple decorative, mid-season. Pink Gigi- pink two-tone decorative, mid-season. Pizarra Red - red decorative, mid-season. Prato- bronze decorative, mid-season. Prima White - white decorative, very early. Raquel Ruby - dark maroon decorative, late. Regina Red- dark red daisy, late. Sly Jenna Red - red decorative, mid-season. Sparkle White - white daisy, mid-season. Stacy Pink - dark pink daisy, mid-season. Staviski White - white decorative, late. Stella Red - red decorative, mid-season Tabitha Scarlet - red decorative, mid-season. Tripoli Red - red daisy, late. Urano Orange - orange decorative, very early. Urano Red/Bronze - red decorative very early. Urano Yellow- yellow decorative, very early. Vanna Snow- white daisy, mid-season. Vicki Orange Bicolor - orange decorative, late. White Gigi - two-tone white decorative, midseason. Xanthus Yellow - soft yellow daisy, early. Yolanda Yellow- rich yellow decorative, mid-season.